Voting and elections
Find answers to common questions about voting in the United States.
Voter registration
Learn how and when to register to vote, get a voter card, or change your voter registration.
How, when, and where to vote
See how to vote absentee, early, or on Election Day. Learn about voter IDs and who you can vote for.
Decide who to vote for
Learn how to make informed choices by using voter guides and sample ballots to research candidates.
State and local election offices
Find and contact your state or local election office for help with registering and voting.
Congressional, state, and local elections
Congressional elections take place every two years. A variety of local and state elections happen every year. Learn about upcoming elections near you.
Voting and election laws
Find answers to common questions about voting rules and rights in the United States.
How the president is elected
Find out how a candidate becomes president of the United States. Learn about caucuses and primaries, political conventions, the Electoral College, and more.
Inauguration of the president of the United States
Inauguration Day is the day when the president-elect and vice-president-elect are sworn in and take office.
Find results from past elections
Get election results from past House, Senate, and presidential elections. Learn about past Electoral College results. Find out where to get state and local election results.
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